MyPlace introduction in Mansfield


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MyPlace introduction in Mansfield with Darren Bergwerf

From 12:00 until 15:00

At Mansfield Hotel

86 High St, Mansfield VIC 3722

$5 donation

Stand In The Park Benalla / Stand in the park Mansfield / MyPlace Mansfield / Find us on Facebook

DARREN BERGWERF visit and talk.
This is an introduction to MyPlace an organisation that is successfully ensuring councils do not violate the law or introduce actions which violate peoples rights.

The date and venue in the Mansfield Hotel meeting room Sun 19th Feb 12pm to 3pm.

You will be able to order a meal at 12pm to have within the room. I have been told the meals are very good.
We are meeting at the Mansfield Hotel at 11:45 for 12: start. Please be on time.

Members of Stand In The Park Benalla are meeting at the usual location and time, 10:00 am, at the art gallery, and will be car pooling from there. We will be leaving between 10:45 and 11:00 am.
If you are able to offer someone a ride, please post on Benalla Stand In The Park Facebook page and let everyone know. Arrangements are up to you from there on.

We are going to contribute to Darrens costs so will ask for $5 head towards this.

Please book so that we know how many tables to book in the pub.

There are 10 people coming.

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About Juicey Brucey

I am the worlds tallest midget. I am horizontally advantaged and follicle challenged.

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